Gallery - Color


In a typical color session, an experienced colorist will walk through your film shot-by-shot and give a comprehensive treatment to all important color elements. Modulus runs two Davinci Resolve 32-bit color workstations that allow primary and secondary grading adjustments, automatic tracking, Power WindowsTM, stabilizing, and reframing at 4K resolution. 


Concerns addressed in a color session may include:

  • Finding the right "look"
  • Consistency throughout the film for a character or scene
  • Making faces more natural or more appealing
  • Rescuing exposure problems
  • Stabilize shaky video
  • in ads, to heighten the appeal of products and help them stand out
  • Conform to "Legal" color spec for TV or distribution


Color Examples

Examples of color correction and grading for documentary and narrative film, TV, music video and spots completed at Modulus can be found below.


Documentary Film


Docs can have tricky lighting and white balance issues, and mixed footage. Here are examples of our work on: ONE CUT, ONE LIFE by Lucia Small, IN COUNTRY by Mike Attie and Meghan O'Hara, BEIJING TAXI by Miao Wang, and CACHAO by Dikayl Rimmasch.




Independent Cinema


Independent films need color grading and just about everything else as well. Here are clips from: DARK FEED by the Rasmussen Brothers, INKUBUS by Woodhaven Productions, LEZARE by Zelalem Woldemariam, and SKINHEADS IN LOVE by Dirk Craft.




Spots & Music Videos


Modulus can take ads from mix and edit to distribution, including color grading, adding supers and motion graphics. Here are examples from: Partners Healthcare / Spaulding Rehabilitation directed by Vladimir Minuty, produced by Monique Douglas, and music videos for State Radio directed by Andrew Mudge.







DCPs Discounted Through 2024

Prices for unlocked DCPs including hard drives are $690 for a feature, and $345 for a short subject.
[ More info ]


  • 1300 Soldiers Field Road, #7
    Boston, MA 02135


Mon-Fri 10am-5:30pm
Weekend closed
